Tumeric Essential Oil
Tumeric pure essential oil has one of the highest vibrational frequencies of almost any essential oil – coming in at 1,450, creating a frequency that is outstanding in its healing abilities and purity of essence. A truly wonderful anti-inflammatory for all types of pain. Effective for skin problems, stings, eczema, rashes etc. A powerful rejuvenator of cells, making it one of the safest and best essential oils for skin care. It may be used neat on the skin for pain and skin problems without causing any irritation whatsoever and best of all it smells heavenly and is cost effective.
Available in 12.5ml and 25ml bottles in our store.

Gargle each day using a pinch of Tumeric and a pinch of Himalayan crystal salt in a cup of warm water.
This mixture may also be used to wash the sinus passages when congested with mucous.
To use – gently inhale the mixture up one nostril at a time. Allow the mix to drain into the back of your mouth and then spit out. Repeat into the other nostril.
This is a common practice in India and is most effective when regularly used.