Posts Tagged Herbs

Did you hear the joke about the peach?

    Peach leaves are a relaxant and an anti-inflammatory that are particularly helpful for the urinary tract, kidney and for problems like cystitis. The leaf is also cooling and soothing to hot, red, itching skin conditions, allergies, scalp irritation and also stomach upsets such as nausea and cramping pain. It is a simple remedy for nervous, restless and over stimulated types with tangled nerves – I’m sure you know someone who applies here! It will also work for over-excitable children. I recently started drinking peach leaf tea before bed, and I have to say I am hooked! I am loving the […]

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Autumn Immunity Enhancer

 Cold and Flu Vinegar (For Daily Immunity Boost) ! This Vinegar can be taken daily to enhance immunity, it helps neutralize toxins in the body, clears mucus congestion, opens the sinuses, is antiseptic, has anti-biotic and anti-viral properties, eases joint pain, alkalizes the body and gives energy due to its potassium content. This will have you fighting off all the bad bugs and germs being spread in your workplace, through the air conditioning or maybe from your children- who seem to catch everything from the Daycare! Below is the recipe; 1 litre of Organic Cider Vinegar (with the mother in […]

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At the end of Summer there is much to do in the Garden to prepare for Autumn than Winter. The Garden has lost its bloom and freshness, tasks are orientated towards tidying summer’s growth. There are many perennials to be cut back, annuals to be removed, seeds to be harvested and the last leaves and flowers to be picked for drying. This is the best time for gathering wild fruits and berries, making jams, jellies, pickles and stewing fruits to be frozen. You may be able to find; Plums, Apples and Blackberries, rose-hips, wild strawberries, cherry plums and elderberries are […]

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Introducing the “Herby”

Herby/ Herbies; (Noun) A “Herbal Baby” Someone who is at the infant stage of learning about herbs, growing in knowledge, eager to learn and new at everything Herb-orientated.  I am a Herby…I work here at Cottage Hill and have done for the past few months, I am learning more every day about the magnificent life and times of the humble herbs not to mention the odd weed, superfoods and powders…and tinctures, oils, hydrosol! ohhh the list goes on!!! It is just so much fun, so eye-opening and so informative! I love love love my job- This little purple house on the […]

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Silica For Health, Skin, Hair and Nails

A high Silica Diet is most important when our bodies feel completely broken down. It is important for aiding: -Impotence and  sexual weakness -Hair growth -Nail Problems -Sores and wounds -Weakened and inflamed Ulcerated linings of canal walls -Fatigue and Mental stress -Debility and Lameness -Sore thighs and weak lower limbs -Itching feet, gristly joints -Kidney pain -Hair loss -Pus ailments -Stiff neck Great for people who are constantly hair twirling, picky and have habit forming behaviors like nose picking.   Silica protects the body and skin. It acts as an insulating agent, helping us to keep and retain our […]

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Affordable, Natural Christmas Gift Giving!

Bath Milks These yummy milks sooth and heal dry or itching skins and may also be enjoyed simply as a relaxing, delicious soak! Bath milks may be designed for specific conditions such as assisting sleep, for stress, sore muscles, promoting energy and creativity or simply to strengthen all aspects of well-being. Design them for your needs. Bath milk soaks, cleanse, moisturise and tone the skin, whilst the use of appropriate pure essential oils send signals to the brain via the olfactory bulb located in the nose, to nourish, purify, energize or act on the body in ways specific to your […]

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“Making an immune boosting herbal vinegar for the whole family”

“MAKING AN IMMUNE BOOSTING HERBAL VINEGAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY” INGREDIENTS: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Herbs & Weeds as required & available:   – PARSLEY (Petroselinum Sativum): Rich in blood enriching chlorophyll and the antioxidant rich Vitamin C. Parsley builds blood because it is high in Iron, Vitamins A, B, B2, B3, Potassium and Vitamin E, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Iodine and Copper. Its level of Potassium content is very high, making it valuable together with its Iron content for transporting oxygen to the cells. Research shows that cancer cells cannot live in a Potassium rich environment. Parsley is such a valuable herb […]

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Herbal Honeys are very simple to create, make unique gifts, soothing medicines and delicious culinary delights for the kitchen. To make your honey, you will need a double boiler, herbs and spices – either fresh or dried and honey without a strong flavour. Method: Place your honey in the double boiler and heat until it is JUST warm (it is important not to heat the honey above this point), place your chosen herb into the honey, maintaining the heat at a just-warm state by turning the heat off and on until your herbs have been immersed in the honey for […]

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Pet Care with Herbs

Animals, especially household pets such as cats and dogs benefit from a change in diet once in a while, especially one that is additive free and natural. Animals with skin problems, allergies, diabetes, kidney and liver problems will all benefit from a more natural food diet. Stop That Scratching! Flea treatment for cats and dogs is most effective using essential oil of Ti – Tree. For cats, dilute Ti – Tree into a carrier oil (Calendula is great) and rub into area at the back of the neck and base of tail twice weekly. Dilution rate is 34 – 40 […]

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