Cottage Hill Herbs will be closed from 22 December until 19 January.

Remedies for our animal friends

As with our human friends and loved ones, our animal loved ones are oft in need of a little care and attention, and if you can help them yourself or subsidize their regular veterinary care with a few herbal additions, all the better!

Here are a specific ailments and situations where your fuzzballs may need some extra care, and the herbs or remedies that might like to try!

Abused Animals
Animals that have been abused may tear up the house, or urinate on furniture – or they may fear resentment because of lack of attention or a new addition to the house. The remedy here is the flower essence of Willow. Others who suffer stress in the home situation, or who are prone to stress from a past situation, respond well to the flower essence of spinach. Spinach will help your pet to relax in a stressful home because animals tend to mirror and also absorb the emotional climate of their household.

Younger animals who act listless and disinterested in their surroundings, or who are sluggish in their digestive system, (without medical problems) are also well suited to spinach as a flower remedy. Spinach is also excellent for older animals past their prime (including horses); it helps to restore their sense of play and interest in life and their surroundings. This also applies to animals who have recovered from serious illness or surgery, but show a lack of interest in life. Spinach helps to create more fun – loving animals. Of course it will also do the same for people, especially those who somehow lost the gift of childhood.

Skin Problems
Dogs and cats often suffer from hot spots, weals, blisters or ulcers that may cover large areas of the body. Fleabites may be one cause, or contact with certain plants (such as wandering jew) may be another cause.

Some animals are hypersensitive to these things. Giving a safe, alterative herb, such as burdock root in food often helps the body eliminate antigenic compounds that may be contributing to the itch and inflammation. Obviously if fleas are a problem, these need to be eliminated by using Neem Oil, or Neem with the pure essential oils of Ti-Tree, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus and Rosemary combined with the Neem Oil. Neem Oil is gentle, but effective and prevents any eggs from further hatching. A clay poultice may also be applied to any inflamed areas and left to dry. It will eventually crack and dry and be rubbed off and will not harm if your pet wants to lick it. The clay poultice eases away redness, itch and inflammation and is made by combining the following ingredients:

• 1 Tablespoon of Green French Clay
• 20 Drops of Echinacea Tincture
• Distilled water to make a thick paste.

Apply thickly to affected areas. Any leftover mixture may be refrigerated in a covered jar indefinitely and used again by adding more water.

Arthritis is a general term, referring to the inflammation of a joint. Polyarthritis is the inflammation of several joints. Degenerative arthritis is a term that refers to the wearing of joints as animal’s age.
Osteoarthritis is usually the result of some type of secondary damage to the joint structures, which could result from rupture of ligaments, poor anatomical alignment, or joint dislocation. Inflammatory arthritis may be caused by an infection or an immune – mediated disease that leads to destructive arthritic lesions. It may also take the form of hip dysphasia, which is the abnormal development of the ball and socket joint of the hips, in dogs.

According to W. Belfield, D.V.M., he believes that hip dysphasia may be an easily controlled biochemical condition in most breeds of dogs, caused by insufficient collagen synthesis. He says that if insufficient amounts of Vitamin C exist in affected dogs, they may have difficulty synthesizing enough collagen to assist in maintaining joint stability. Studies conducted by him on German shepherds with hereditary hip dysphasia, showed excellent results with Vitamin C supplementation. Other supplements and herbs for arthritis:

• Glucosamine and M.S.M – are excellent for wear and tear joint deterioration and help protect and regenerate connective tissue and cartilage in affected joints. They show great promise in the treatment of inflammation and pain.

• Shark Cartilage, Vitamin C and E.F.A supplements – help repair joint tissue damage. Horsetail herb is most helpful as it is the richest source of bioavailable form of silica, an element that serves as the active matrix in connective tissue development. Comfrey is also considered a classic bone and joint repair herb and I usually recommended comfrey as a homeopathic remedy here.

Devils claw – soothes inflammation and pain as does Yucca, White Willow Bark, Alfalfa, Ginger, and Celery Seed. As there are many ways to use these herbs in treating your animal for pain and inflammation and dosage is often dictated by the weight, age and health condition of your pet, I would recommend popping into our dispensary for further advice and help related to your individual pet care requirements.


That’s all for now folks. Are there any specific issues your animal friends are having, or have you maybe had success using a remedy with your animals? Let us know in the comments below!

 To order your herbal goodies, simply e-mail or phone on 04-526 4753 to place your order! 



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