Horny Goats Weed- it Stands by its name…
This ancient herb has been used for more than 2,000 years in Japan, China and Korea to assist with sexual impotency and dysfunction. By channeling blood flow to the genital areas this powerful herb effects the dilution of blood vessels, allowing more hormone enhancing blood to reach the sensitive tissue areas.
It helps to lower blood pressure, increase libido and may reduce cholesterol levels when taken appropriately. It also improves immune function and stimulates the cells that build bone- so as well as assisting sexually Horny Goats Weed can be beneficial as an all round body tonic. In Chinese medical circles HGW is considered unsurpassed as the herb for all areas of sexual enhancement and for the relief of PMS and Menopause issues. So where do I sign you say? Come and visit us at Cottage Hill Herbs- we have Horny Goats Weed in the form of Tea Leaves and Capsules. Think of it like natures Viagra!
2-4 Capsules should be taken daily, Although DON’T take if Pregnant, Lactating or you have Low Blood Pressure. To make a discreet order give us a call on a Wednesday or Saturday or email through your order. We also sell a Libido-enhancing Blend of Capsules. So be sure to mention those too!