Certificate in Botanical Extraction – NEW


If you are serious about creating truly natural skincare or medicinal healing products and product rangs, then this course is for you.

This certificate will be conducted in four parts; four days of expert herbal learning and practical experience under experienced herbalist of 40 years, Donna Lee. We will take an indepth look at specific plants most suited for use in superior skincare and herbal medicinal production processes.  From specialist requirements for conditions such as acne, eczema, inflammation, pain scarring and wounds, through to anti-aging, highly regenerative extracts created  from specialized herbs with an array of amazing and unique functions.

Correct extraction methodology is critical in creating superior, highly effective medicinal and skincare products. We have to consider things like the extraction of fat soluble plant extracts, botanical preservatives and which menstrums achieve the extraction of alkanoids, tannins, natural saponins, mucilage or anti-oxidants. We also have to consider why they are significant for your products.

We will investigate the difference between fresh or dried ingredients, alcohol percentage requirements for tinctures, glycerites, oils and much more. You will be asked to conduct experiments between class dates, allowing for further confidence building and discussion in creating your own unique artisan products.



During this certificate you will study, create, and take home a large range of ingredients and products. These include:


Various types of Herbal Tinctures

Botanical and other forms of Hydrosols

Concentrated Infused Oils

Butter and Wax Extracts

Gels and Herbal Preservatives

Concentrated Capsules


You will learn to create a unique point of difference within your products or create a much needed botanically pure, raw material range. A Certificate of Botanical Extraction will be issued after the successful completion of these four workshops.

The Details!


Sunday May 24th

Sunday June 14th

Sunday June 28th

Sunday July 26th

Time:       10:30am – 5:30pm

Fee:         $1495.00 inclusive of all materials and products made

Enrollment form and deposit are required to secure your place.

Download your enrollment form HERE

NOTE: Please book early. Class numbers and strictly limited with places usually booked out early. Enrollment form and deposit required to secure your place. We recommend Tranquility Homestay and Spellbound Homestay to our out of town students.

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