Adaptogenic Herbs & Stress

According to medical researchers, who developed the stress scale ranking system – they found that the higher your total stress score in any particular year, the more likely you were to become ill.

These ratings represent average stress levels. We each have different capacities to cope with stressful change. Stress is inherently an internal phenomenon. The link between our health and our ability to deal constructively with our lives is now strongly supported by a growing body of scientific literature. Most of us can benefit from improving the balance of our lives and our ability to cope with life’s challenges.

So, how do adaptogenic herbs help us with stress?


Stress Table

Death of a spouse 100
Divorce 73
Death of an immediate family member 63
Personal injury 53
Personal illness 53
Marriage 50
Fired from job 47
Retirement 45
Change in health of immediate family member 44
Death of a close friend 37
Change in work 29
Children leave home 29
Outstanding achievement 28
Trouble with boss 23
Vacation 13
Christmas 12
Minor law violations 11















“Adaptogenic or hormonal modulating actions of certain herbs, increase the body’s resistance and endurance to a wide variety of adverse influences from physical chemical and biological stressors, assisting the body’s ability to cope and adapt.”

These herbs create within us, a much greater ability to cope with the stresses of everyday living.

When combined with excellent foods and vitamins these herbs really do make a difference to our capacity to cope. The earlier one addresses the stress factor, utilizing foods, herbs and vitamins – the easier it becomes to cope with the problems and stress levels.

Adaptogenic Herbs continued…

Some of the herbs I would personally reccommend are:

Suma – One of the best all round adaptogens, strengthening all parts of the body and mind.


Astragalus – One of the most popular tonic herbs in China, having been in use for thousands of years. It increases endurance and stamina and improves resistance to the cold. A classic energy tonic – superior to most others, including the ginsengs. Astragalus improves physical endurance, lowers blood pressure and raises immune function. Its helpful in relieving fluid retention, for excessive sweating, including night sweats, for prolapsed organs and for uterine bleeding. Also good for anemia. Do not use this herb in acute illness states.

Withania – (Also known as “Indian Ginseng”) The best rejuvenative herb for muscles, marrow and semen. For general debility, sexual debility, nerve exhaustion, loss of memory, old age, loss of muscular energy, tissue deficiency, insomnia, rheumatism, depression, anemia, fatigue, infertility and overwork to name just some of its remarkable abilities. One of the best herbs for long-term stress and the chronically ill.


A widely researched herb, showing that withanolides, in this plant are similar to the body’s own steroid hormones – these are anti-inflammatory. They also inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It contains a high iron content. Helpful in restoring vitality in those suffering from overwork or nervous exhaustion. It clarifies the mind, calms and strengthens the nerves, and promotes sound restful sleep.

These amazing herbs are available in dried, tincture or capsules in our store.

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