Research has shown that gentle exfoliation using natural plant based ingredients encourages the skin to produce collagen and is more effective by far than all of the best selling over the counter anti-wrinkle creams or highly skin structure damaging chemical products and therapies. Many, in fact most, cosmetic preparations on the market today freely list collagen and elastin ingredients to make you believe that their products can restore the lost elasticity and rebuild your ageing skin structure.
—- AS GOOD AS THIS SOUNDS!! — it is impossible.
The collagen and elastin molecules in these products are derived from animals or laboratories and they simply cannot penetrate the skin. If they could get into the cell structure of the skin, they would immediately be rejected by the body and attacked by our immune system.
Collagen is the principle constituent of connective tissue in humans and can make up to 1/3 of the total weight of our body. To provide elasticity in skin tissues, collagen fibres form a net-like structure. Collagen has the ability to bind a great deal of water which is an important attribute of healthy skin which approximately 25% – 40% of all the water in the body found in the skin. So drinking around 2 litres of water daily is another very important aspect of firm, youthful skin and body health. As we age the soluble collagen transforms itself into insoluble collagen, which has a reduced ability to bind water, causing the skin to become slack, dry, dehydrated and forming many wrinkles ad sagging skin. While collagen has the more supportive and structural function in the skin, eslastin forms a stretchable and very elastic net of connective tissue that is mainly responsible for skin elasticity. However this is all dependant on not only the water content of our cells but also on out silica levels (remember – horsetail and nettle!) and also our skin care programe and products used. Research also shows that Vimatin C in high concentrations, dramatically assists with collagen and elastin levels. Unfortunately the use of Vitamin C in cheaper ascorbate forms, when used in skincare products oxidizes and will then damage collagen structure considerably.
We have created and tested a liquid high grade form of Vitamin C that we are very happy with using in our skincare products (with no oxidation).
Vitamin C is a MAJOR anti-oxidant, skin cell rejuvination and collagen rebuilder when used in higher concentrations in our cosmetic formulations. Vitamin C treats sun damange, inhibits facial hair growth and acne and greatly assists in reducing dark spots and the formulation of concentrations of darker mellanin patches on the face, when used regularly and in good concentrations. Definitely something to have on hand in the cupboard!
…and GET gently SCRUBBING
Regular, gentle exfoliation clears away the build up of dead skin cells, allowing better absorption and assimilation of our cleansers, toners and moisturisers – all of which contributes to a healthier, firmer, younger looking skin.
NEED SIMPLE SCRUB RECIPES?? We’ve got you covered.
Anti-Aging Face Scrub for Mature/Sensitive Skin
Order today by e-mail ( or phone (04-526 4753).