We have been waiting about 2 years for this product to become available and I am very excited to finally be able to share this stunning and versatile product with you and have it available to buy for your own potions! So what is this magical product?
This amazing herb is officially known as Croton Lechleri with a common name of Sangre de Drago – sounds cool doesn’t it? It is. Dragon’s blood comes from the resinous sap of the tree, which when cut, bleeds a sap that runs and looks like thick blood. This sap contains an alkaloid called taspine that quickly stops bleeding, seals wounds and has powerful tissue and skin regenerating properties. In fact Dragon’s Blood has so many skin healing and regenerating abilities, they would almost have to fill a book to list them all! It stimulates fiobroblasts within the skin which heal scarring, acne, infections of the skin, relieves the itching of eczema and psoriasis, shrinks and lightens sun spots, moles and skin tags and greatly assists with fungal problems of the skin and nails.
From a beautifying perspective, Dragon’s Blood, when added to creams and lotion and salves, repairs and enhances collagen production, greatly assisting in new collagen formation and skin regeneration. It is the most powerful anti-aging ingredient on the planet, containing a very high percentage of proanthocyanidins and a huge list of amazing therapeutic properties. There are more than 50 clinical studies showing Dragon’s Bloods’ unique and positive skin enhancing benefits.
Dragon’s Blood is made up of 90% Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (known as OPC’s…for good reason) which are anti-oxidants that scavenge free radicals, greatly assisting the skin to look and stay younger and plumper, thereby improving skin aging. Dragon’s Blood has more OPC’s than ANY other food or plant ON OUR PLANET! Beware however, that there are many grades of Dragon’s Blood and only Grade A pure should be utilized. Dragon’s Blood is much used in magikal work, being seen as ‘Power-Drawing’ and “activating” when used in blends for its unique enhancing properties.
Our Dragon’s Blood powder is “A Grade”, and is also available in glycerite, tincture and infused oil forms. Here are the prices!
A Grade Powder $34.50 for 50gm
Tincture $28.95 for 25ml
Glycerite $22.95 for 25ml
Infused Oil $15.95 for 50ml or $31.00 for 100ml.
Get playing with this remarkable and magical herb!
Donna x